
Session files and videos from the conference program are now starting to be made available online. For presentations currently online please see the following pages:
Academic Track
Lightening Talks
Birds of a feather
Spatial Ignite
If you notice your presentation files are missing please don't hesitate to It may be an oversight or we may need you to send us your material again.
Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest
Call for Sponsors: Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest at FOSS4G
Wayland, MA, June 11, 2009. The Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC®), the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) and the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) are conducting a Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP) to be launched at the FOSS4G (Free, Open Source Software for Geomatics) Conference in Sydney, Australia, 20-23 October, 2009.
Read full press release about the Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest call for sponsors by OGC .
CCIP demonstrates standards based interoperability between geospatial applications based on a Climate Change scenario . It consists of a server with multiple virtual machines, each installed with geospatial applications offering standards based web services. All web services will demonstrate a common dataset, and will be accessed by a range of geospatial client applications installed on client computers. The showcase is designed to underpin many initiatives, including:
Technology demonstrators at conferences
Geospatial training programs
Demonstration Software CDs
Testing suite programs
Spatial Data Infrastructure development
Open Data programs